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Por Pouco (feat. Gson) - The soulful track by Lhast you need to hear

How to Download Gson's Por Pouco MP3 for Free

If you are a fan of Portuguese rap music, you might have heard of Gson, a talented rapper who is part of the group Wet Bed Gang. One of his most popular songs is Por Pouco, which he collaborated with Lhast, a renowned producer and singer. In this article, we will tell you what Por Pouco is about, where you can find it online, and how you can download it for free.

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What is Por Pouco?

Por Pouco is a Portuguese song that was released in 2017 by Lhast, featuring Gson. The title translates to "By Little" in English, and the song is about how they are close to achieving their dreams and goals, despite the obstacles and challenges they face. The song has a catchy melody, a smooth flow, and a motivational message.

The meaning and message of the song

The lyrics of Por Pouco are about how Lhast and Gson have worked hard to get where they are today, and how they are not giving up on their ambitions. They rap about their struggles, their achievements, their inspirations, and their gratitude. They also express their confidence and determination to keep going forward, even if they are only missing by little.

The popularity and reception of the song

Por Pouco was a huge hit in Portugal and beyond, as it received millions of views on YouTube, Spotify, and other platforms. The song was praised by critics and fans alike, who appreciated its quality, its message, and its vibe. The song also won several awards, such as the Best Rap/Hip Hop Song at the Portugal Music Awards in 2018.

Where to find Por Pouco MP3 online?

If you want to listen to Por Pouco online, you have many options to choose from. However, if you want to download the song as an MP3 file, you might need to look a bit harder. Here are some of the best sources where you can find Por Pouco MP3 online:

Qobuz: a high-quality music streaming and downloading platform

Qobuz is a music service that offers unlimited streaming and downloading of songs in high-resolution formats. You can access Qobuz on your web browser or on your mobile app, and enjoy over 70 million tracks from various genres and artists. Qobuz also provides detailed information about the albums, songs, and artists, as well as editorial content and playlists.

To download Por Pouco MP3 from Qobuz, you need to have a subscription plan that allows downloading. You can choose from four plans: Studio Premier (19.99/month), Studio Sublime (249.99/year), Hi-Fi (14.99/month), or Hi-Fi Sublime (219.99/year). Once you have a subscription, you can go to and click on the buy button to purchase and download the song.

JioSaavn: a popular music app for Portuguese songs

JioSaavn is an Indian music app that has a large collection of Portuguese songs, including Por Pouco. You can listen to JioSaavn on your web browser or on your mobile app, and enjoy over 55 million tracks from various genres and artists. JioSaavn also provides curated playlists, radio stations, podcasts, and lyrics.

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To download Por Pouco MP3 from JioSaavn, you need to have a subscription plan that allows downloading. You can choose from three plans: Pro (99 INR/month), Plus (399 INR/year), or Student (49 INR/month). Once you have a subscription, you can go to and tap on the download icon to save the song to your device.

Muporty: a free and easy music downloader website

Muporty is a website that allows you to download any song as an MP3 file for free. You can access Muporty on your web browser and search for any song by name, artist, or album. Muporty also provides the song details, such as the duration, the size, and the quality.

To download Por Pouco MP3 from Muporty, you just need to go to and click on the download button. You can also choose the quality of the file, from 128 kbps to 320 kbps. The download will start automatically and you can save the file to your device.

How to download Por Pouco MP3 for free?

Now that you know where to find Por Pouco MP3 online, you might be wondering how to download it for free. Well, there is a simple way to do that, and it involves using a YouTube converter tool. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Choose your preferred source from the above options

The first step is to choose which platform you want to use to download Por Pouco MP3. You can use any of the three sources we mentioned above, or you can use YouTube, where you can find the official video of the song . Once you have chosen your source, copy the URL of the song.

Step 2: Search for Por Pouco (feat. Gson) by Lhast on the platform

The next step is to paste the URL of the song into a YouTube converter tool. There are many tools available online, but we recommend using , which is fast, reliable, and safe. YTMP3 allows you to convert any YouTube video into an MP3 or MP4 file for free.

Step 3: Click on the download button or link and save the file to your device

The final step is to click on the download button or link that YTMP3 provides after converting the video. You can then save the file to your device and enjoy listening to Por Pouco MP3 anytime and anywhere.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have shown you how to download Gson's Por Pouco MP3 for free. We have explained what Por Pouco is about, where you can find it online, and how you can use a YouTube converter tool to download it as an MP3 file. We hope you found this article helpful and informative.

Call to action and final thoughts

If you liked this article, please share it with your friends and family who might also be interested in downloading Por Pouco MP3 for free. Also, don't forget to check out Lhast's and Gson's other songs, as they are equally amazing and inspiring. Thank you for reading and happy listening!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is Gson?

Gson is a Portuguese rapper who is part of the group Wet Bed Gang. He is known for his versatile style, his witty lyrics, and his charismatic personality. He has collaborated with many artists, such as Lhast, Bispo, Dillaz, and Prodígio.

  • Who is Lhast?

Lhast is a Portuguese producer and singer who has worked with some of the biggest names in the Portuguese music scene, such as ProfJam, Valas, Piruka, and Carolina Deslandes. He is also a solo artist who has released several songs, such as Por Pouco, Não Me Conheces, and O Teu Nome.

  • What is Wet Bed Gang?

Wet Bed Gang is a Portuguese rap group that consists of four members: Gson, Zara G, Kroa, and Zizzy Jr. They are one of the most popular and influential rap groups in Portugal, with millions of fans and streams. They have released several albums, such as Filhos do Rossi, Ngana Zambi, and Edição Especial.

  • What is the best quality of Por Pouco MP3?

The best quality of Por Pouco MP3 depends on your preference and your device. However, generally speaking, the higher the bitrate, the better the sound quality. Bitrate is the amount of data that is encoded in a second of audio. The standard bitrate for MP3 files is 128 kbps, but you can find higher quality files up to 320 kbps.

  • Is it legal to download Por Pouco MP3 for free?

The legality of downloading Por Pouco MP3 for free depends on your location and the source you use. Some sources, such as Qobuz and JioSaavn, require you to pay a subscription fee to download the song legally. Other sources, such as Muporty and YTMP3, allow you to download the song for free, but they might violate the copyright laws of the artists and the platforms. Therefore, we advise you to use these sources at your own risk and discretion.


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